Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Flipper in Oceanside looking to pay off student loans


bubble_watcher said...

If this idiot thought that his/her student loan payment was outrageous, I can't wait to see the expression on his/her face after seeing the payment increase on the expired teaser rate Option ARM..

Anonymous said...

Bob, love the blog, I check it daily and most of all enjoy the updates. I fear you will eventually run out of interesting properties. you should pepper us with other interesting realestate / bubble / flipping articles / websites. I found this one the other day. http://davidlereahwatch.blogspot.com I got a kick out of it... And if you scroll down a bit they have a picture of David in the Chemical Ali outfit, i'm particularly fond of this as i think the similiaries are uncanny. And i think its relevant because he (and the rest of the real-estate chronies) is (are) the reason these flippers exist and are able to make money... remember the 2 year old addage of "Just buy something, anything. Just get in." That was coined by the realtors and loved by the flippers...

george8 said...

This OS house must be right on the ocean view to be asking $1M, or the flipper is just crazy.

Unknown said...

Is this the before or after photo??

Flip a House

bubble_watcher said...

This OS house must be right on the ocean view to be asking $1M, or the flipper is just crazy.

The flipper is crazy..