Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fixer Upper in Point Loma

Comments: Only $650K and is subject to short sale. Someone is up the creek on this one.

Over $210K Loss for Lender in Oceanside!!!

Listing Details:

(click to enlarge)

Previous Sale Details:


Lender took a huge hit here. Over $210K loss in 18 months is well deserved for lending money to fools who can't afford $800K home in the first place.

Minimum $165K loss for San Marcos Flipper

Listing Details:

Previous Sale Details:

Flipper original asking price was $860K and now is $675K. $165K (if he gets a full offer) loss in 20 months shows how stagnant the San Diego Real Estate market has become. I forecast a 20% decline by the end of the year.